Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Best Outfits for Valentine's Day

Hello cho-designers ;)

Time to announce the winners of the Dress up contest!
Here are all the entries:

And the winners are:
Radiostar -
Beebopadoobop -
Yolande -
Blubberball -

Potter909 -
Bogi31 -
Iluvcookiezz -
Coffee2353 -
Doll -
Blackie487 -
WOW! I think it's the first time we have 10 winners!!! It was hard for HIKI to choose, but the winners really deserve their prizes!

Winners get 2 weeks of free citizenship and a red rosette everyone!
Well done! I love your designs!

Dressed up Hiki :)


Underground Party

Hey guys :)

We had fun today in the Underground!

Thanks for coming! It was a cool party ;)
We should make such parties more often.
What should hiki draw next time?


New video

hope u like it

Poll closed

Hey guys WoWo here, the poll finally closed and it wasn't even close! The winner was...

Great job cat fans :) You rock! next poll coming tomorrow ;)

Drawing of the day

Hey guys wowo here, from now on, every day Zoo pick the best drawing of the day :) It's very hard to choose so i ask for help sometimes, they are ALL GREAT, but I can only pick one to win... and the winner is...

For making...


Cat 450

Hey guys Zoo here, 2 very special chobots, Guguzi and Potter909, spent alot of time and effort into making these for cat :)

This was made by Potter909

This was made by Guguzi

MY ITEM IS COMPLETE! (of chobots)

Hello Guys!

Chobot ' s item is COMPLETE! HE has another one, but I think that one will take a little longer, but he has one of them! HERE IT IS!

Woooot! A ”V.I.C” shirt! Do you know what it stands for? ”Very Important Chobot”!!

Now, he dosen’t plan on raining it or giving it away easily, this will remain a pretty RARE item! It’s for citizens and non citizens too!

The way you can get this item is through contests on chobots's blog (which he will give out very rarely) OR being someone who is a good friend to HIM!

Here it is on him:

This will be very fun!


spring drawing contest

Hey Guys :)

How about drawing me some Spring Flowers!!

Spring Flowers are gorgeous, just what you need to see after Winter
Maybe it's warm where you live but here it is COLD, Brrrrr
Some pretty flower drawings by you would be great :))

I will pick some winners who will receive a J2K shirt, if you already have one, then you can have a bug prize :)

Btw i haven't forgot about the Valentine Drawing contest, it's just that I want to post it nearer to valentines day!!

You have a couple of days to draw your Flowers!

Have Fun :)